Friday, October 29, 2010

Harvest festival

So Mabon was the time for the annual Pagan Pride Event in fair Oaks, Ca. Once again held at the VFW, it had ssome new stuff and returning favorites as well.

I thought I was going to Harvest Festival alone this year, but a friend and her friend joined me for part of the day. This one was a bit more lively than the last one I went to and I enjoyed myself.

This is camera-shy Camille.

And this is Camille's friend, Marissa, doing a little "sword" fighting.

There was a role playing battle group there teaching, demonstrating, and inviting others to join them in their weekly games.

They go into battle with each other using foam covered sticks. There are rules for not hurting each other and how you "die" in the game. Everyone seemed to be having fun, especially the little girls. It seemed the smaller the female, the fiercer and more determined the warrior. You had to keep an eye on those bloodthirsty little girls.

A ritual was held while I was there, but I was too far away to see everything they did. The moon and stars fire-pit was their's.

This little girl was dancing later on to a drumming group.

But my favorite part was, as always, the fire dancers. I often go just so I can see them perform. The hula-hoop on fire was new.

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